· This is again one such treatment where your effort is very less and find a great change in your body. Hip Bath as the name suggests is the mode where you immerse your hips and abdominal region. This of course cannot be done in swimming pool since we have to concentrate only in the hip region.
· There are special tubs available for this purpose. You can purchase these in a naturopathy center. In fact, normal bath tub is also enough to take a hip bath. But will we fit into it is a big question!!!
· Have a look at the tub used for Hip Bath.
· As you can see, it is just like a huge chair where you need to sit. You must not place your hands inside the tub. You can keep it on your tummy to feel what’s going on inside or leave it hanging outside. Same goes with legs too.
· If needed, you can place your legs in the small stool placed outside instead of having legs in the air. But this isn’t necessary.
· Fill the tub with four to six gallons of water according to the size of it. The temperature of water can be cold, neutral or hot water. Sometimes, alternate hip baths can be given to achieve maximum benefits.
· Please be noted that don’t have this right after having heavy meals. And women avoid this during pregnancy and menstruation.
Cold Hip Bath:
· If a person is feeling cold, we can immerse the foot in hot water to balance the temperature.
· This is very beneficial for people who are diabetics. This is very true as my dad himself has experienced this. This could be result of activation of pancreas during the hip bath.
· This hip bath also helps in obesity and also is of great help in digest and thus relieves the worry of constipation.
Neutral Hip Bath:
· Fill the tub with normal room temperature water.
· This activity is very much beneficial for women as it clears out inflammation in uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
· This has a soothing effect to the body, which relieves the person from stress and thus in-turn help in reducing over-eating due to stress.
Hot Hip Bath
· Drink a glass of water before sitting in the tub. As you do for steam bath, place a wet cloth in the head to avoid de-hydration in the head.
· This is again a great treatment for women who are suffering from menstrual problems.
· Just came across this blog which contains many more information on this topic.
Spinal Bath
· This is very much similar to Hip bath. Here you have to make sure that your entire spinal cord is immersed in water.
· The water level can be just one or two inches, enough to immerse your spinal cord.
· It highly enhances the central nervous system and yes, relieves you from stress.
· It can be used with Cold, Neutral and hot water.
· If someone who gets irritated often, they can try this out. This also helps in helping out depressed person and also one who forgets things easily. As you can see this is because of the effect on the central nervous system.
· There is an added benefit if the water is allowed to flow through the spinal cord itself. Most of the naturopathic centers have this. Do try it out. It is a great stress-buster.
· Same like other treatments don’t forget to drink a glass of water and also place wet cloth in head.
· Please note that none of this treatment has something like side effects.
· It is the process of cleansing colon. Enema equipment is needed for this. If is safe and effective and cleans the bowels well.
· There are unlimited benefits of this treatment. It is advised that if a person is fasting on a day (just even a fruit diet), having enema helps in removing the toxins out of the body. It is up to the reader to make more research on this.
Next Post: Eating it properly..
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